harris. the facts are there s nothing out there officials just yet. we haven t heard her speak publicly other than the funeral i was at in tuscaloosa, alabama, two weekends ago. she hasn t said much other than to say she s not angry at her husband and she believes somewhere in this it s part of god s plan. unfortunately the way the investigation is going, it seems it may be necessary she s going to have to speak sometime very soon. nick, thank you very much. you re right, we heard so much more than we normally hear. so many questions in this case. again, you have to be careful because you just can t judge it until the full investigation goes through, but it is pretty there was damning evidence they put through. startling, that s for sure. next up on new day, a close call at a barcelona airplane. two planes seconds away from a collision. is there a rise at this point in these near disasters in the sky?
those contractors. 48 million square feet. it also includes, by the way, rhode island. and the mall of america. and a food court the size of 26 football fields. back to pamplona, would you ever run? no. when you asked me the question, i pulled a muscle. you would do it for assignment? for tv, absolutely. two minutes? that s it. that s all you want. come on. the terror lasts for so much longer. speaking of fast and furious and strong and bull, all one word. a man who has no fear, that would be john king on inside politics on new day. i will not go to the running of the bulls.
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the video is shocking. we initiated on the basis of seeing the video an investigation, not an internal police investigation. it s an external independent investigation done by the ministry of justice, by a special unit there that looks into police behavior. israel like the united states is a land where there s the rule of land. the police and the security services have to function within the law, not above the law. if it s proven that the police acted in a way that unfortunately the video indicates, that we suspect they did, they will have to pay a price. that is unacceptable. you cannot beat up a suspect in israel you can t beat up someone who is handcuffed. it s against the law. it doesn t matter what they did before. hypothetically this individual could have been involved in violence. once he is arrested and handcuffed, he can t be mistreated in any way. when you take all of this in context, we re now hearing
united states should show up. the comment from congressman way ar gives credence to the republicans. there s a democrat talking about this. i raise that point because one of the critics of the president in recent weeks is rick perry, candidate for the republican nomination last cycle, disastrous campaign. trying to run again in 2016. he is the texas governor. his message very much like congressman way ar saying mr. president, obama white house, i told you so a long time ago. i will tell you they either are inept or don t care and that is my position. we have been bringing to the attention of president obama and his administration since 2010 he received a letter from me on the tarmac. i have to believe when you do not respond in any way that you are either inept or you have some ulterior motive of which you re functioning from.