Welcome to Monday, where Ukrainian and Russian delegations meet for talks near the Belarus border, as the Ukrainian army continues to resist the Russian invasion. The EU has announced it would sell weapons to Ukraine in a historical first as Vladimir Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert. We also have the translation of a report in Kyiv-based news website Livy Bereg on how Ukraine’s outgunned forces have thus far managed to thwart Putin’s plans of rapid conquest.
Welcome to Monday, where Ukrainian and Russian delegations meet for talks near the Belarus border, as the Ukrainian army continues to resist the Russian invasion. The EU has announced it would sell weapons to Ukraine in a historical first as Vladimir Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert. We also have the translation of a report in Kyiv-based news website Livy Bereg on how Ukraine’s outgunned forces have thus far managed to thwart Putin’s plans of rapid conquest.
Welcome to Monday, where Ukrainian and Russian delegations meet for talks near the Belarus border, as the Ukrainian army continues to resist the Russian invasion. The EU has announced it would sell weapons to Ukraine in a historical first as Vladimir Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert. We also have the translation of a report in Kyiv-based news website Livy Bereg on how Ukraine’s outgunned forces have thus far managed to thwart Putin’s plans of rapid conquest.
Welcome to Monday, where Ukrainian and Russian delegations meet for talks near the Belarus border, as the Ukrainian army continues to resist the Russian invasion. The EU has announced it would sell weapons to Ukraine in a historical first as Vladimir Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert. We also have the translation of a report in Kyiv-based news website Livy Bereg on how Ukraine’s outgunned forces have thus far managed to thwart Putin’s plans of rapid conquest.
Welcome to Monday, where Ukrainian and Russian delegations meet for talks near the Belarus border, as the Ukrainian army continues to resist the Russian invasion. The EU has announced it would sell weapons to Ukraine in a historical first as Vladimir Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert. We also have the translation of a report in Kyiv-based news website Livy Bereg on how Ukraine’s outgunned forces have thus far managed to thwart Putin’s plans of rapid conquest.