Executive Summary: The threat of traditional military confrontationin Europe has not disappeared. Key European allies must rebuildtheir militaries to undertake both conventional and asymmetricmilitary operations. NATO must be the cornerstone of thetransatlantic alliance and the primary actor in European security.A European defense identity should be a civilian complement to NATOand represent additional resources for European security.
The threat of traditional military confrontation in Europe has notdisappeared. Key European allies must rebuild their militaries to under take both conventional and asymmetric military operations.NATO must be the cornerstone of the transatlantic alliance and theprimary actor in European security. A European defense identityshould be a civilian complement to NATO and represent additionalresources for European security.
Rose Gentle, 58, whose son Gordon, 19, was killed by an IED in 2004, says she will return her Elizabeth Cross. She added: If Blair had decency, he would not accept the honour.