don t futz about it. if it is your thing, great. but you have to earn your way to the top of the pyramid. so that s brilliant because people come to me without having looked at any of that stuff on the pyramid and tell me do you think i should sell this stock and buy that stock? your point is, wait a minute, have you handled everything below that before you start to tweak or optimize right at the top of your pyramid. absolutely. and i m not even going to talk to you about that stuff until you ve done the stuff at the lower levels. all right, bruce, you ve written an entire book on this. it is based on the feedback that you ve gotten from working with people. what do you think? tell my audience what the biggest impediment to achieving financial success the way you ve described it is likely to be. they re not clear on what their money is for, the context for money and they also mismanage the level of complexity. no offense, ali, but they listen to the media and i think i