listen guys, even though i don t have any more time, i m going to ask a one question for a quick answer from you. that being, the trump endorsed gop candidate from a house senate. he wins, trump endorsed. is trump s endorsement going to carry others through to success? particularly competitive races like pennsylvania, georgia and the like. don you first, then susan, then david. unfortunately, yes. susan? an open primary? yes. an incumbent? no. last for david. if you are publican in a primary you want trump s endorsement. it s an anchor around your neck in a general in november. you guys are so good, you think your professionals. thank you very much for sunday family, have a good mother s day. so the rate wires in moms. in just a moment, the latest word on first lady jill biden surprise visit to ukraine, why she was so intent on making today the day to cross that border into the war zone. border into the war zone. and doug.
"(Revelations 13:15-18) "This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. I was left alone, my mind was blank I needed time to think. To get the memories from my mind. What did I see? Can I believe it?.