run for the whitest hill they can find. and work you are the racistf because you don t like getting shot outside of the cheesecake factory. that is how it works. bill white joins us tonight bill, thank you for coming on and being brave enough to do that. w tell us what buckhead is like now and why you think it should be independent from the city. well, first of all, thank you, tucker for having us on. i was listening to your opening monologue, and i can tell you we will need you to come down here and take you on the road with us. you have hit all the key points. we are living in a war zone. that is how we describe living in buckhead. and what has happened here in the last several years is incredibly dangerous spike in crime. and a complete vacuum of leadership. the police in atlanta are great police men and women. we love them here. they just want to do their they are not being allowed to do that.
she was stabbed four times in the back by a total stranger in broad daylight walking on a trail.ra casper was pregnant with her second child at the time, and she was forced to deliver her baby more than three months earlier because she was stabbed by a stranger. why was she stabbed? these aren t robberies. the only thing was physical injury and terror with brutality. the victims appeared to be purely judged by how they look.t don t call these hate crimes that is not allowed. you can t say that. privately, many people in buckhead suspect that is exactly what s going on. e they have been attacked by reckless politician for years. politicians have ginned up hatred of buckhead for political reasons. so why wouldn t others take them seriously?ne why wouldn t shootings and stabbings be the end result of that? people in buckhead have had enough of this and they don t think it will get better. two bills would allow buckhead to leave the city and run its own competent police department and resu
on monday two 15-year-old killed and shot at apple store. so if they can terrorize them s mall in buckhead, which is one of the most surveilled places in the entire city, what can they do to neighborhoods? they can terrorize it and they are. they are attacking the people residential streets in buckhead. watch this report fox 5 in atlanta. after two crimes in their buckhead neighborhood. atlanta police saturday a man with a gunshot wound on west wesley road. investigators say a man and two others shot at while jogging. hours later on saturday, atlanta police say they found a man severely injured on the scene. he did, in fact, strike an individual taking out the trash. atlanta police arrested the suspect shortly after the crime. now, investigators are working to figure out a possible motive. tucker: the man who was shot
be. but the opposite is true. for decades, various mayors of atlanta have attacked buckhead as something offensive or immoral aboutiv maintaining an orderly neighborhood. for the most part, the residents of buckhead have taken this abuse in silence. so they continue to send huge a amounts of money to a cityod government that hates. them. the politicians in atlanta, this has been a very good deal. but last summer things changed. a man called rayshard brooks was shot to death in a parking lot and wendy s by the police
so buckhead and the beautiful families are a very diverse community, and we, in fact, are the most diverse community in all of atlanta. we have decided to file for divorce. and the divorce is final! and what we are saying to thedi city of atlanta is we are going to form our own city. we have two bills in the state legislature. we have raised the requisite amount of money we need right now to move this forward. there will be a ballot initiative on the ballot next november. and we are going to take our city back for the great families of buckhead once and for all. some of the people asked us what are we going to do differently, tucker? how is a buckhead city police department going to do anything differently? and i think your great team, i sent a video in, and i don t know if there is time to show it. but this video is horrifying. it shows a white car driving past a mercedes-benz truck. they are shooting out of a car