nearby high school decided they were going to plan a march. immediately as soon as protesters and police came face to face that s when all things went south. things getting pretty bad here throughout the afternoon. marina thank you. now going on the record montiel williams born and raised in baltimore. montiel, your father was the fire chief. now they have got the fire department out there putting out car fires and everything else. you look and it s sad. one of the things i have to say is unequivocally for those around america watching this is not baltimore. baltimore has 60,000 residents. if you look any other place on these streets, there is probably 200 or 300 i won t call them knuckle heads but agitateorsagitators, people doing this for a couple minutes of fame on television. the truth of the rest of the people in the city are disgusted. i phoned my padre dad before coming on the air.