yeah, because you ve got to ask chris i mean, huey long, for example, is one of thosemo popular democrats in the country might have been presidentstra c i mean, a thirty six had he not been assassinated. but you ve got to ask if hueyy e long were here it s still in the senate, would he saye, stop oil exploration during ans energy crisis? i mean, it s hard toe imagine him saying that . yeah, yeah, exactly. exactly. it s huey long alive today.and t his name would be donald i trumt and that s why they hate donaldu so much because you know, after after 16 years of abandoninged their people, this guy named donald trump who actuallyyac yol know, if you think about it, there areet a lot of similaritis between him and huey long. youu know, donald trump comes along and completely steals their lunch, steals their message, steals their voter, steals everything for and forl that they have to kille him. they have to destroy him. t that s so smart. with you i never thought of that before,
0 serious dude you should really ringcentral. i was thinking oh i see we were just talking about you. yeah you should probably get out of here about the good evening and welcome to a special edition of tucker carlsonwe tonight . when was the last time you heard a democratic politician propose a solution to a problem no matter what the problem is that didn t make the democratic party more powerful. ponder that for a moment. polet s say, for example, that you really believe global warming was an existentialal g threat to humanity and that rising carbon dioxide levels were causing global warming. what would you do to fix it? well, you might think back to grade biology class co2, co2 don t trees consume huge amounts of co2 for photosynthesis? quick google check. why, yes, they do. so how about we plant a whole lot more trees all across the country and across the world? that seems like a natural solutionon with lots of upside s trees are beautiful. it might help fight globalig warming. oh
wolf. what today took us to see wasn t the most interesting part of the journey. they took us to the eastern outskirtof the city to show us civilian casualties. they couldn t findny civilian casualties there. it appeared a missile or rocket had hit the farmland around the farmhouses. but on the way it was very interesting. we passed a couple of government military come pleks here. both had smoke coming out f of we will see them damage and destroy buildings. saw it just along from one of those bases. this control surface and missiles. the radar itself was destroyed. we also saw that gadhafi still has some of his air defense capability and is hiding it. they were hidden behind a sand dune, dug in the side of the road. right on the st from theio