rudy and thelma and louise? the thing that is remarkable, whenever the president has a lawyer, the lawyer tends to take on the president s personality. it s emboldened rudy in a way that has allowed him to push this thing as far and wide as possible. and the thing is the strategy is not that different that what happened under ty cobb and john dowd except they weren t out there publicly. rudy is out there publicly now in a way that makes the president happy. last time i was here, you and i were with sally yates. let s watch that and talk about her warnings. i think what we re seeing here is the president has just taken his all-out assault on the rule of law to a new level. and this time he is ordering up an investigation of the investigators who are examining his own campaign. you know, that s really shocking. it is maybe you can explain to our viewers how high the alarm has to be for sally
train. they are thelma and louise style headed for the cliff and the only people making these decisions and know what s going on. if we believe that sarah sanders is not herself misrepresenting but only saying what she knows, and that those things that she knows are false, or misrepresentations, how long do you continue to work for someone who keeps feeding you bad or incomplete information? it s not i ll take that. michael, start with michael and yeah. go ahead. sure. it s not something i would personally be comfortable with. at the same time, the job of white house press secretary, the people who work in the west wing, those jobs to the american economy, to america s national security are critically important and if they aren t done by the best people possible, their replacements will be the kind of people who make mistakes that will cost us jobs and american lives overseas. i believe the people working
i ve never used the word collusion. conspiracy is the term. ed: i m going to let chris jump in here but now you re falling back on the idea, we can t prove this, but if the democrats take control of the house we are going to lead impeachment hearings and adam schiff is going to get the answers. chris. i m sure you do a wonderful show, but you are not the one who decides whether the issue is collusion or not. you are not in charge of the standards, is called the law. mueller, the law, the discussion for the last year and a half has been about collusion. i know the democrats want to run away from this because this is turning into thelma and louise and i think it s going to have a bad ending for democrats, but the standard is collusion. it s always been collusion. it will continue to be collusion and if you say that you ve got something on this discussion of shelving matters of obstruction of justice, in the meantime i think it s a great idea because if you don t have the central crim
seeing in the country. they feel whipsawed by this president and looking for an end that doesn t exist. ander they are looking for them to be strategy or larger meeting behind what trump does and waiting for all of us to force him on that, to admit that is deep strategy as opposed to you are looking into a pretty dark void. talk about connecting the dots. it is in disputable. right. the way the white house is functioning is a them cal to its cause. anthony scaramucci acknowledged the first year there were some bumps. thelma and louise style. you fall out and you don t get in again. i was joking and said if you stay in this administration a full year, you have a white beard. they have had big problems and it s scaring the people down
cuts and tax cut for very wealthy people. around $1 million is they were claiming the democrats were wrong and should not vote on democratic health care until the new senator could be seated. here s an ad that an opposition group is running that is making the point that doug jones who just won the seat in alabama is not going to be allowed to vote on this. take a listen. the voters have spoken, but mitch mcconnell is trying to jam through the tax plan before alabama s new senator can vote and it s not right and mitch knows it. last time it happened when a republican won a special election, mcconnell stopped all votes until that senator receded. winner, whoever it is, should be sworn in promptly. let s honor the wishes of the people. call senator mcconnell, tell him he should honor the wishes of the people now, too. is that an effective message?