KATE MUIR: In perimenopause, the hormones oestrogen and progesterone start to roller-coaster, playing good cop, bad cop, before they drain away for ever.
know these putrid bills are going nowhere and all that is left is this. the jussie smollett defense to losing, we are not losers, we are victims, victims of a racist system that perpetuates white privilege that somehow elected barack obama twice and this is the party of hope and change or at least it was. so the democrats are headed full speed ahead to the cliff s average. not only are they not hitting the brakes, they cut the brake lines altogether. the old party of fdr and jfk is more like the party of thelma and louise. you think i m exaggerating? the gop is leading the democrats by double digits in the generic ballot for the first time ever in the cnbc all-americans survey.