the scene. not for him the hanging around to accept his punishment and the verdict of his peers. he was such a coward when it came to this, that he would quickly was out of his seat and beyond the clutches of this parliament. but almost unbelievably, there are some who still hanker for this notion, this fantasy that he will have some sort of route back to elected politics. it is hard to imagine a situation or a setting when that would be allowed in this house. i think we can conclude today that he is toast and thank goodness he is gone. but i have to come back to the party opposite and some of the responses of honourable gentlemen and ladies about boris johnson because they knew everything about him. he is a serial person who was sacked. the very places he worked in that he was sacked from, yet they made him prime minister. i made most maiden speech the same day as borisjohnson and i actually followed him from these benches the day he made his maiden speech. even at that poin
as borisjohnson and i actually followed him from these benches the day he made his maiden speech. even at that point there were doubts about his character, even at parliament, but not for them. they went on to make him prime minister. they celebrated him, they cheered him on through his bizarre and boorish speeches. they have credited him with the 2019 victory and they have made sure that it is him that delivered the disaster that is brexit, something that my constituents, as well as constituents, as well as constituents around this country are still paying for. and mr deputy speaker, we re still in the end period of thejohn sony and era and regardless of how much they want to move on, they will never be able to move on, they will never be able to move on, they will never be able to move on from him until they actually take the decisive action to cleanse their party from the stain of johnson, something that i have not seen them be prepared to do. they have got an opportunity tonight. t