i believe the audience is smartu enough and sophisticated enough that they can determine own on their own whether they agree with him, disagree with them, believe him, don t believe them. i mean, i have a hardt time understanding why people are even unwilling to hear another point of view. i m not unwilling to hear other points of view. that s the most interesting part about thas. t to me, because this guy s a democrat. he really is. so i want to know what all ofe,w his views are. i want to understand when he comean s from that party, what are the parts of his platform that identify with the democrats. but the establishment democrats have decided he is not the one. now we re seeing something new. we ve seen this on our side. we ve seen them attack our candidates. we ve seen them tried to destroy our presidential candidates and even our presidentso destro as theirn office. but now they re going after one of their own. so i m very curious how this is going to plays goin with the en