The Role of Humanitarian Aid in Coping with Locust Swarms
Info: 1317 words (5 pages) Assignment
Published: 11th May 2021 in
Humanitarian aid is facing a budget problem. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (UNOCH) 2020 report on aid requirements included a staggering $28.8 billion funding request[1]. There is a massive funding gap, with only $15.96 billion received of its $29.7 billion request last year.
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Instead of struggling and failing to meet these rising humanitarian aid costs year after year, we need to rethink how we approach disaster response, targeting the root causes of disaster rather than responding to the disaster after the fact with humanitarian relief. Studies show that every $1 spent on disaster risk reduction and prevention can save $15 in post-disaster r
A joint report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and BINUH « Protests in Haiti : Their Impacts on Human Rights and the State s Obligation to Protect all citizens » takes stock of violations.