on the russian side. let me ask you about the ukrainian side. talk to me about the morale of the fighters in ukraine and the ukrainian people. nobody is doubting their will, right. we ve all been amazed and impressed by their fortitude, but there s the reality of dwindling resources, whether it s arms or food and water and heat, simple exhaustion, right. so how long can they keep this up? what are people telling you? well, i mean, the strength, the fortitude of the people here is just incredible to see, chris. i mean, we ve been speak to people here in lviv. you talk about the hard-hit places like kyiv and mariupol, our colleague, richard engel, in kyiv yesterday, interviewed an elderly woman. her building had been bombed, life shattered around her, and instead of complaining she told richard she felt sorry for putin and his mother for giving birth to such an evil cretin.