general wants to do. we need to restore confidence in the integrity of our prison system. i think government in general is suffering because they don t trust them and all of a sudden things break down and it s so suspicious.. before i get you to comment, i want you to hear the sounds from one of the prison consultants and their take on things. let s see the tapes. because every federal prison has what they refer to as range cameras. so even though there s not individual cell cameras in theho cells ordinarily, there are range cameras. what s your take on that when you hear them say that? every door has cameras on both sides of it so that the guards can actually see what s going on, who s coming and going there s going to be a lot of tapes there, right?s absolutely. you know, for your viewing population that has not been to a prison, i will tell you, it ss not like walking into 7-eleven
true both inside the government at outside the government. the media want to move on and quickly find a way to justify their behavior but i don t think people forget what they were subjected to for the last several years, and how people who were skeptical of this crazy collusion conspiracy theory were treated when now we see no more indictments. tucker: they injected poison into the bloodstream of this country. you are right you know to theho former attorney general jeff sessions, whose reputation was completely destroyed. he was supposedly an agent of putin. tucker: he was attacked by the president to faithfully serve because of this investigation. he should have not recused himself. tucker: i agree but he was an honorable man.n he s been hurt by this. so many victims of this and i hope we take time. somebody takes time to apologize to each one of them and they try to make it right. mollie hemingway, great to see you. t thank you for starting off the it is you heard, t
anti-israel mind-set? they are doing it so quickly, they fall into line so quickly. they have lost their minds. our alliance with israel is not a left right issue. it s an up-down issue. this is not horizontal politics. it s vertical politics of are we going to take our culture and society up or are we going to take it down? aipac has been reliably nonpartisan. in fact if anything i got a little bit disappointed with aipac a few years ago during barack obama s push for the iran deal.. because they were really pretty muchth on the sidelines. they didn t say that much that was overly against it. i think the reason, they didn t want to offend theho president. i thought they should have offended him because the deal was terrible. it was terrible not just for israel.
between ports of entry. not coming in ports of entry but coming in 76,000 people apprehended coming in ports oft entry. that s illegal. you don t even think we should call it i think we ve got a broken system but we ve had a broken system for a long time. laura: they should be waived in? we should have a discussion with united states congress had a president that has so thoroughly change the mood and tone of this country that any kind of compromise, any kind of bipartisan solution doesn t seem possible at this point. laura: tammy, other things happen, and i m going to play this.rt this is beto o rourke, he raised $6 million in 24 hours. incredible hall. people ridiculing his sweat stains, he was one of theho more ridiculous criticisms. he was pressed on one position today. let s watch. argue for or against third
trouble imagining how when, while working in theho white house, ivanka trump is typing outho e-mails on a personal e-ml account, she doesn t stop and say, huh, why does this seem familiar?he d why shouldn t i be doing this? it fits a larger pattern of the trump administration and this family in particular saying theam rules don t apply to us. donald trump railedt against hillary clinton for her private server but he still, according to multiple news outlets, is using an unsecured phone of his own to call his friends and talk about the day. which could be, obviously, overheard by a number of foreign powers if they hack into his phone, h since it s not secured. so that s anothert question. we ll get t to that another tim. shane, donna, hugh, thank you guys very much, and we will be right back.hugh