kavalec and steele. much earlier and much more extensive suggested in this notes. m i think we need to look at that and find out if there are other records at thehe state department beyond the ones we recently found in the law suit in september. here is the most important revelation. it is clear now that the that the state department was a major conspirator in building the story.n going back to when the state department invited ukrainian prosecutors here in january of 16 and met with them along national security council and asked them to find dirt on paul manafort, all the way through facilitatingm these contacts with christopher steele, john weiner, victoria newland, kathleen kavalec, three people that probably need to be deposed by congress now so we can find out what they were doing here but you have a state departmentd acting like an extralegal acting like an extralegal arm. that is very troubling. if your job is diplomacy sean: stay right there.
i think i investigated this a year ago when i took on his defense. you can t believe what s going to come out. and this is a dramatic revelation now. bruce ohr should have been prosecuted, and his wife is a conflict of interest ten months ago. it s because we had a justice department that was completely warped. the fact is, these are crimes that are shocking. these are crimes that go to the very heart of our republic. these people had a plan to stop the republican candidate from getting elected and then they executed a plan to remove him from office on false evidence, false testimony, the whole thing was made up from the very beginning and they sold it to 90% of our media.o it s a tragedy. it s a tragedy. sean: mr. mayor, they knew in august of 2016 that it was an unverifiable document.
they re going to delete you.s then you re going to cry.e- very good. bob, do you like you disagreed with one of them. i just said you have to be a little you don t irritate a mentor, but you have to keep th, pressure up to get in front of them. i was thinking aboutut what eric said. when i keptt track, i was doing campaigns and not many of them,a but i had one candidate who. ended up being assistant secretary of state and i was down fishing in north carolina one day wondering what i wasy of going to do with my life. i get call. it s somebody from thehe state department said how would you like to be a deputy assistant secretary of state. i said of which state? they said of the united states of america. state of conniption. it was about state of confusion. i kept up with the guy and boom, i became the youngest kep assistant secretary of state in history. we keep telling people you re big time. you are big time. that was a long time ago. if a young person on capito