way it. this shocking new video out of colorado is the latest example of employees being scolded or even fired for tryin to stop brazen thieves. this isn t good. really, you ve got to resort to that. the economy is not that bad. they recorded this video i kings supermarket in colorado. santino borello filmed this, stealing hundreds of dollars of laundry detergent. he said supermarket policy prohibits employees from physically engaging with thieves , although he says he just filmed them and dad did no touch them. i would never let any criminal conducts like him especially if it s happening right in front of me. hopefully this changes the shoplifting policy and gives power back to retailers like myself. since this video the driver in the green shirt was arrested. the police are looking for the other two men who go by the names robert and in a statement the grocery stores at the disappointment by the increased level of crime bu is unable to comment on persona matters a
and to be honest, the commonsense department is still a bit angry about the case of santino. he s the colorado supermarket employee that got fired because he had the audacity to videotap three men stealing a car load o laundry detergent. apparently hoping for a clean getaway. he s a former military police officer and set a something happens in front of me and goin to make it my business and whil he recorded the crime, he noticed the suspects were actually the keystone cops affects unable to load the car and get in and get away so santino barela had time to peel back the tinfoil covered licens plate and reveal the plate number and sure enough police found the vehicle and barela lost the job because he violate that that do not intervene policy. there was a time and americans cheered the good guys and jeere to the bad. out the back i theft loss