the two shooters in these two weekend episodes. we ve got to fix the problems. laws against theft don t stop every act of theft. laws against domestic violence don t stop every act of domestic violence. laws against insider trading don t. the talking point that is repeated after every one of these things, that one law wouldn t have stopped this. the question is big picture. if a majority of republicans support these measures, why won t the president get behind them? and i think the president has expressed a willingness to talk to congress, work with congress on these issues. but we also have to be honest in this discussion, in that we have to fix the background check problem. we need to make sure that information like we saw in the background of the dayton shooter, which should have been the red flag, that that kind of information can get into consideration. that way we know we have the ability to stop these kinds of things before they happen. so there is no single fix. the preside