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in with you again. thanks. thank you . thank you for everything. of course. thank you . so in the wake of antifae showing up the supreme court, that s ominous. it s easy to a lose sight of the fact that today for people who opposed roe v. wade, this is the culmination of 50 years of work.ev by theer way, no one ever got rich on the pro-life side. a lot of people in front planned parenthood have gotten rich g. nobody on the pro-life side hasr gotten rich. they get derision. th the rightg itic foror reasons. marjorie dannenfelser has been doing it for a long time .ma she s president susan b. anthony , pro-life america. she joins us tonight. thanks, tucker . so marjorie first came congratulations. i mean, youla have been working in a pretty thankless job for a very long time and now roe v. wade has been struck down. what was your gut reaction when this happened? now is incredible, everything that s propelled us over all these years is topel celebrate our victories and then laun
. that was the law of our state until roe v. wade. and now we re back to wherev. it should have always been. and so it s a big day. and i think as you ve pointed, out, it s a big day for democracy, for these for the voters now to have a say as opposed to nine justices, unelected justices back forty nine years ago that decided this for everybody in the country. and i think what you re seeing now with this kind of rage that s been talkedd about, the justice department has no an interest in condemning ito. g they haven t done anything to stop it. you ve seen ann assassination attempt, a supreme court justice. you see this intimidation that s going to continue the justice department s way more interested evidently d in sticking the fbi and going after parents who show up at a school board meetings under the patriot act than arresting folks who are intimidating supreme court justices. this is out of a banana third world republic, but thankfully the rule of law was was buttressed today in mi
a policy that you d like to pursue. and so abortion is notif illegal nationwide. and you know, i had a guy next to me on an airplane a couple of days ago asked me about this and he thought ifoe roe was overturned that abortion was going v toti be illegal nationwide. it s notonit i and it s all goio depend on the state you liveta in . we re going. to get into the tales which we haven t done for 49 years, which i think will be really illuminating for a lot of thanks for covering that for us tonight. it is i ap the is heard, shannon sayuc that big companies are all on board. more abortions will pay for your abortion. we will p you a raise, but we ll make certain you don t have a family becausen yo we do want that to distract you from devoting your life to us alle the way goes one way. devote your life to the big company. don t have a family. what are people are going to feel like the age of 60 . was it o worth it? noh kids. citibank paid for my abortion but i m glad i made it to
just a fox news alert. utah has triggered a new law that bans abortion except in rare circumstancesba. s it s now officially in effect. it s been on the books for . while we should also point out, by the way, just in point of y fact, however you feel about abortion, whether you re for legal abortion or not having children is the most profoundly rewarding actfo that most human beings experience. ask anybody who hasn erie one dt mean you need to have kids, but that s way it has kids. is there anything in your life more rewarding than that ? more meaningful, more profound. anyonengfu who is trying to pret you from doing that probably not looking out for your happiness. m drowell, today congressman aya pressley called on the biden administration declaring a public health emergency over abortion rights. we don ten know of abortion in this country now that public health emergency you should to doould have nothing with the children who are getting important. new scientific evidence shows