judiciary didn t call a single solitary fact witness. they called more fact witnesses for the watergate impeachment than they did for the trump impeachment. the record is already in, it s full. let s vote. send it to the jury and let s vote. sean: i actually could be persuaded either way,, in that i actually think these people are so nuts that let the house of representatives, whoever they appoint, let them do whatever they want to do. then, once they have the votes, the 51 votes, i would assume, call the roll, get it out of there.s but then, investigate the whistle-blower.e, then the congenital liar schiff. then hunter and joe. we really care about quids and pros and quos, then joe is right there. what i tell clients, you can say whatever you want after thee trial is over. you want to say something about the judge, the police, you want to say something about anyone,