thee mostt hororrendous cririme affectcting our most v vulnerab memberers of thee commmmunity. ththrough thehese crimeses, pre targetet those w who c can t pr themselveses. pololice are a asking the e communitity to helpp c childex ababuse by monitorining the on activity off t their drdr hundredss off h w workers are on day f fourf a afour-day strike. woworkers frorom the beveverly andd w waldorf astotoria mararc the f four seasons.s. ththey re asksking for h higher, betterer health b benefits and pension.n. it t is almostt impossssible sosomeone whoho worksks in thth hospitality industry to be able toto live in the city that we wk in. ourr m mes toototel ownerers is ththat weilling t to do whateverer it takakes to get ou contraract signened r right now. the union represesenting the