expected. it astonishes me sir. i consents to this constitution, i expect no better, i m not sure it not the best, the opinions. i have never whispered to them abroad within these walls they were born and here they shall die in any one of hu us, in returning to ouro constituents. we might prevent it being generally received.ad
3 who i respect. including george mason, why did he not?ti he believetud there should b a bill of rights, later on they did add the bill of rights, the battle of was waged after this convention adopted the constitution, it startedd the anti-federalists, theyt opposed the constitution, they called today what is called anti-federalist papers. and they were written under altera names. they wrote very well. they raised objections. so then the supporters of
convention, he wrote at speech, this is what he said. i confess that i do not i approve of this constitution of present. buprovt i am not sure i shall neff nevada approve it never approved it, for having lived long i have experienced many instances.e to chane opinions even on important subjects.i i once thought right. but found to be otherwise. it is there that older iow ggrow the more apt i am to doubt my judgment and may more respect to judgment of others
47 ijut was that close, in virginia ratified 89 to 79. it waser that close. two opposing it were patrick henry and george mason. in new york it was ratified 30 to 27. the constitution we have today almost was not ratified. now. those who lostw, the votego didn t try to destroy thee constitution they didn t try to destroy the men who supported it. they decided to do what franklin said, administer. administer as well as they could. george mason s object to a bill of rights, that had a lot of supports in states.ri
as well as among ourselves, from our real or apparentnt uunanimity. in procuring and secures happiness to the people depends on opinion on general opinion of the goodep niece ofub t goodness of the government. i hope their that for our own sakes as a part of the o people and. we shall act in recommendingt this constitution. wherever our influence may extent and turn your future thoughts and endeavors to means of having it well administers. to it, would with me on this occasion and to make manifest, put his name to this instrument. they almost all did, 39 did and 3 did not.