Lukashenko have held mass protests throughout the country tens of thousands protested in the capital minsk weekly demonstrations have become the focus for the prodemocracy movement in an attempt to reassert control police have already arrested hundreds of women. The demonstrations have been taking place across europe calling for the evacuation of a crowded microcaps on the greek islands hundreds of people marched in berlin to demand that the German Government take in more than the 1500 refugees it had already agreed to relocate 9000 migrants on last boss have been moved to a new camp built to replace the morea settlement destroyed in a fire. This is de w. News from berlin you can follow us on twitter and instagram or visit our website they w dot com. Its hard not to get lost in europes largest google labyrinth but we will go there anyway later in the show. Hello and welcome to a new edition of the europe max and this is what else we have in store for you. And for site docs for monday t