Robert De Niro will soon be seen sharing screen space with himself in the upcoming gangster drama Wise Guys. Barry Levinson will be directing the movie and Nicholas Pileggi will be writing the screenplay. He will also be teaming up again with Martin Scorsese for Killers of the Flower Moon, about the 1920 Oklahoma murders in the Osage Nation. Robert De Niro To Star in Upcoming Gangster Drama Film ‘Wise Guys’!.
Bernie Madoff, Ponzi Scheme Mastermind Who Snared Hollywood Elite, Dies in Prison at 82
William Earl, provided by
Bernie Madoff, the disgraced investment advisor who was serving out a 150-year prison sentence for running a Ponzi scheme and committing other financial crimes, died early Wednesday at 82, the Associated Press reported.
Madoff was notorious for leading one of the largest ponzi schemes in history, which targeted scores of wealthy investors and celebrities, including Larry King, Kevin Bacon and John Malkovich. Madoff died at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, N.C., from “natural causes,” a source told the AP.
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