Actor Ayoola Smart has joined the cast of the second season of Amazon s The Wheel of Time. The Wheel Of Time: Ayoola Smart Joins Rosamund Pike s Amazon Show in a Recurring Role.
Brandon Sanderson announced a secret book project that reached its crowdfunding goal within 35 minutes of going live and later shattered Kickstarter records.
With 'The Wheel of Time' season one now complete and streaming, here are some useful explainers for viewers looking to understand the world of The Wheel.
I had a baby last year, and emotionally speaking, my birth experience is basically equivalent to fighting off a half-dozen Illianer Companions and getting stabbed in the side while in labor. Watching Tigraine Mantear be a magnificent BAMF was honestly quite cathartic for me. Having struggled through pregnancy and motherhood during the pandemic, I felt such a deep resonance watching her fight for her life and her baby.