your response and pull the fire alarm and force people to get out. if a young people decides that he wants to shoot a lot of people and acquire a weapon that was legally acquired, how are you going to prevent him from accessing hundreds of thousands of students. i am not sure the answer is we will find any answer. actually, the fbi and broward county are asking people who have video and you heard one of the teachers talking about snap chat. and we saw one video, they are saying, they tweeted out this thing saying the fbi has set up a website where you can upload images and video of the stoneman shooting. visit shooting to submit any information you have on the shooting that occurred at the high school.
grievance that does not relate to the world i used to live in, the counterterrorism world. it s a grievance his family will know about, his friends on social media will know about. to pick up on james point, it s a grievance you re going to look at and say how do you prevent somebody like that from a grievance that might affect a million kids from entering into a school zone? i don t think you can do it, anderson. julia, reporting the weapon was an ar-15 rifle. any reason for those weapons to be available to citizens? obviously it s an incredibly popular weapon. no. it s not just me. it s international association of chiefs of police. it s people who are actually in law enforcement and think about ways to protect their communities. i don t know personally everyone on your panel. i would suspect that our
disciplinary reasons. if they are all him, what happened today was telegraphed by the shooter himself. do we know anything about his family? did anyone close to him, any family member, were they aware of these postings. reporter: we are unclear about the family situation. we don t have that nailed down. we are trying it determine if in fact he did have parents at the time of the shooting. so we are looking into that, anderson, trying to track it down. again, these postings as alluded to by the sheriff and his news conference show a dark individual forecasting what happened today. and specifically with the weapon. what he wants to do with the weapon. the congressman for the
districts i spoke with him just a short time ago. congressman, first of all, i am sorry for what your community is going through what is the latest you are hearing from law enforcement. well, the latest from law enforcement is that the number of fatalities is up to 17. they are learning more information about the shooter, about the kind of weapon that he used. and that is, that s the update on the numbers, anderson, but the difficulty is that these 17 fatalities have family members and the community is really going to struggle in the coming days and weeks. just a horrific terrible situation. the amount of preparation that went into this. learn from law enforcement, that apparently the shooter is now cooperating. he came in a gas mask with smoke grenades to the school and was
saying what he wants to do with the weapon. thank you. the congressman for the district where the shooting took place is representative ted deutsche. i spoke with him by phone. i m so sorry for what the community is going through. what s the latest you re hearing from law enforcement? well, the latest from law enforcement is that the number of fatalities is up to 17. they re learning more information about the shooter. about the kind of weapon he used. and that s the update on the numbers. the difficulty is the 17 fatalities all have family members and the community is really going to struggle over the coming days and weeks. just the horrific. the amount of preparation which went into this, senator was on the phone and just learning from law enforcement