jewish-american and having holocau holocaust denial. there s a wonderful book out the warmth of another sun. if there s anyone left in america that doesn t know the history of lynching, hard though it is to believe, the public spectacl spectacles, the thousands of people, the people not grown men but whole families, thousands of people who gathered to celebrate the deaths, you grew up in mississippi, you want to serve in the united states senate and you didn t know this history? it is impossible. anyway, mike, i m sorry you have to endure it. cindy hyde-smith may feel no shame but i shame you, ma am. i got to ask you about this, eddie. this story, i didn t want to believe it. it is making headlines and it is yet another example of the deterioration of norms. please look at this picture. a wisconsin school district is investigating after a photo of what appears to be a group of mostly white male students