man: 4, 3, 2, 1, fire. it s just evolution. it s just changing. everything has a shelf life. nothing stays the same. man: we continue to be one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, and there s no reason that shouldn t continue. this city has this whole other trajectory and life unto itself. las vegas has this mystique. man: the vegas strip has seen everything from sammy and frank to siegfried & roy. las vegas is the most thoroughly modern 21st century city that we have. announcer: this is beyond fairytale, it s inconceivable. las vegas evolved. it s unlike anywhere else in the world. [ cheers and applause ] luck be a lady tonight luck be a lady tonight tonight luck if you ve ever been a lady to begin with luck be a lady tonight luck be a lady tonight gill: elvis s death really impacted vegas, and then after that, there wasn t anybody to replace him. and that s when everything changed. charles: he was one of a kind, man. he brought h
The warden at Limestone Correctional Facility and his wife have been arrested and are facing drug charges, according to the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC).
Minecraft The Wild update will improving existing features and bring a new swamp mangrove biome, new mob, and the Deep and Dark biome as well. The new update is releasing in 2022 post Cliffs and Caves part 2 release late this year.