why must you cater to these priests, the tetrarch? without them, i cannot easily govern these people. kill him, and you ll bear the wrath of his following. i must do something. i cannot simply set him loose. guards, halt! scourge him. what s happening? let me through! master! [ indistinct shouting ] [ bird cawing ]
horse? yes, i admit weakness. isn t that one step towards redemption? it is said that the rabbi goes to jerusalem for passover. it s his intention. i know of a dwelling there. i have well-placed friends. a place has been offered. is the dwelling within the city? i may seek you out, matthew. a morning s walk from the gate. home of a landowner, lazarus. god speed your journey. [ donkey braying, snorts ] [ horse whinnies ] i have urgent news for the tetrarch s steward. open the gates. asher. send word to the tetrarch. i have news of the nazarene and be ready to open your coffers, chuza. what i bring is of great value. jesus is staying outside the city at the house of a landowner named lazarus. he can t be arrested there
i have. rabbi! john? i-is it john? the tetrarch arrested him, and they ve taken him to the fortress called machaerus. it s in the desert across the jordan. there s no hope for rescue. how do i now speak of love, forgiveness? how? i am trapped by the feelings of a man who longs to attack this injustice. now i know my father s anger at how we fail him. now i feel i am not to bring peace, but a sword. [ indistinct conversations ] [ animal grunts ] [ men chanting ]
c-chief steward of the tetrarch. they speak of killing you the tetrarch, those of the temple. and you came to warn me. why? my cousin was to be stoned. she lives because of you. don t go to jerusalem. i must. [ indistinct conversations ]
free him! free him! no, punish him! no, punish him! he will hear the charge. silence, i say! he should be executed for speaking against the rule of caesar, claiming he is king of the jews. are you king of the jews? my kingdom is not of this world. i hear no support for your charges. his cryptic speech is but a ploy. he is a criminal. we have witnesses. he began his crimes in galilee. galilee? then take him to the tetrarch of galilee. he should judge this man. take him to the tetrarch! [ indistinct shouting ] there he is again.