fellow el pasoans and this will save lives and in conjunction with universal background checks, closing all loopholes, ending the of weapons of war into our communities like the one that was used in el paso, and red flag laws that stop people who own a firearm before it is too late, before they hurt themselves or someone else. we can end this epidemic of gun violence that will claim more than 40,000 lives this year. happening every single day in almost every single community. so i think it is a proposal that makes sense and one that i would want to implement as president. the response that you would get from a lot of texans, even some democratic texans would be, hey the people who do these mass shootings, criminals who commit crimes with guns, they don t care what the gun laws are, they re not going to abide by the gun laws, they re not going to get a license for a gun and they ll just buy an illegal gun and commit the crime. what is your response to that?
i ve been doing it for a long time and never known anybody in law enforcement to turn a blind eye to someone committing a crime. i don t understand why it is that the president s companies, there is headline after headline after headline about them employing undocumented immigrants and there has never been a raid or any sort of law enforcement investigation that we can discern so you really can t say that for sure. because there are investigations going on all of the time that you re unaware of. and we shouldn t be aware of those investigations. so those investigations should be done without notifying everyone because of course it will jeopardize the investigation if i come on here and talk to you about an investigation that going on. the number of arrests along the u.s./mexico border fell 24% to the lowest mark since february and cut in half since the high in may. that is a success. yet you still call this a full blown crisis this week. at what point is it not a full blown cri
you re offering up options for people. i say this with all due respect with the economy, and i ve spoken with officials who say tourism is a huge bread and butter supplier for us. they count on tourism and they don t want the entire country to be painted with this one broad swathe there. ultimately, the places where kids are going to be looking to go for spring break are not the places where they ve had the significant violence and the violence has been fairly bad, but the street crime also has escalated in the major urban area. we re talking in mexico city and we re talking up in monterey and that is everything from express kidnappings to kidnap and ransom to obviously carjackings and a variety of problems that are significantly serious, but can also, you know, take place anywhere in the u.s. or anywhere around the world. so the again, these key areas, the cancun, puerto vallarta and acapulco, if you