yeah. okay. and what they don t tell is the rest of this clip, which we got to play in full. that happened yesterday. that wasn t, like from years ago. this was their cleanup. the story was, a bull wanted to have sex with three cows. gets the three cows pregnant. i don t want to hear this, no. and saw three other cows over the fence and wanted to get those cows pregnant so much that he went over barbed wire. are you okay? to get to the other cows. is this really what happened or are you making this up? sweetheart? yeah? i didn t tell the story. uh-huh. about a bull wanting to get six cows pregnant. there s no way herschel walker would tell that story at this moment. these people come to georgia. yeah. to help him get out of a scandal where he got a lot of people pregnant. lied about it. didn t want to so he literally said that yesterday, katty kay, on the campaign trail in georgia, and there was tom cotton and i guess rick s
story about this bull out in the field with six cows. and three of them are pregnant. so you know you got something going on. but all he care about is getting his nose against the fence looking at three other cows that didn t belong to him. now all he had to do is eat grass but, no, no, no. they thought something was better somewhere else. so he decided i want to get over there. so one day he imagined that fence up and said, i think i can jump this. so they came when he got back and he got backing and as he took off running he dove over that fence and barely got up under the bottom, but as he made it over on the other side he shook it off and got oh excited about it and he ran to the top of that hill, but when he got up there he realized they were bulls, too. really leaning into it and forcing smiles from senator scott and cotton, who are saying in those thought bubbles, we came here to change the subject.
these people come to georgia. yeah. to help him get out of a scandal where he got a lot of people pregnant. lied about it. didn t want to so he literally said that yesterday, katty kay, on the campaign trail in georgia, and there was tom cotton and i guess rick scott was there, and they just sat there well, i want to tell a little story and started laughing. to be really honest with you, the story didn t make any sense anyway. all he did basically ramble on about pregnancy. how he wanted to get six cows pregnant, and standing there saying, you can tell by the look on his face. wants to be anywhere else right now but he stays. but he stays, tom cotton, and he doesn t say, this is not okay. what it gets to, really, is, willie, gets to the fact that, again, this guy is so ill equipped to be running for anything, as his his people at this point is he making
and branch, the elements of the imperial attitude that supported putin in this war are taken apart and it s a, it s a much more maximal goal. talk about consequences of that spring 1945 didn t have nuclear weapons that could destroy the earth 100 times over. joe, what i said last night at the cathedral was i see two fundamental things in contradiction. after world war i we know that a harsh, punitive piece on germany helped lead to world war ii. so that tells us to be causal with russia. but we also know that world war ii ended with the unconditional surrender of germany and japan and that on that total defeat was built the miracle of post-war reconstruction. so i ve been thinking that unless this imperial, this vicious thing that is in putin s style of governance, unless
posting people s personal addresses and phone numbers, license plate numbers. you can argue she is a private citizen. but you can argue she works in an official capacity as well. howie: the story didn t say here is a bombshell email karen expense said. it just threw in the address. vice president pence asked for an apology. the a.p. did delete the address subsequent online. so i can see where that would be us from crating for the vice president and his family. i don t see what warranted publishing the address. to report she had a personal account, fine. it s an oversight that they didn t check to see if that account was still active. they admit such.