let us dedicate ourselves alike, in body, mind, and spirit, to a renewed faith, a joyful hope, and a commitment to serve one another in love. [ singing in a non-english language ]
you live in your lives for the sake of others. the unity you show, the example you give is what binds us together and offers societies that are strong, joyful, happy and glorious, they bear heavyweights for us. and the weight of the task given today, your imamajesties, is on bearable by the spirit of god, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. with the anointing of the holy spirit, the king is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will or politics or war or tyranny. the holy spirit draws us to love
balancing that on your head. it s not as if he could walk with his hands holding, it right? so that must a bit of a challenging. it was also a moment between charles and camilla, when she had the crowd on her head, she walked over to her throne, and they smile to each other. i thought for a second, there were going to be giggles, but they didn t of course. they managed to see it through. the lord be with you. and with thy spirit. lift up your hearts. we lift them up unto the lord. it is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks unto thee, o lord, holy father, almighty, everlasting god, through jesus christ thine only son our lord,