learned that it s not gonna start tomorrow, instead that trial will be delayed for a, day and, won t start until wednesday, because one of the defense attorneys for the proud boys, just got his law license suspended. and so the judge in the proud boys cases decided to postpone the start of the trial by one day, to give the proud boys a chance to find a lawyer, with an active law license. little matters like, that gumming up the works in the most unexpected ways. opening statements expected now to be wednesday, the trial is expected to last at least a month, i keep you posted, now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell, good evening lawrence. evening lawrence. evening lawrence. evening lawrence. evening lawrence. evening lawrence. and instantly burst into, tears as in the middle of a lunch rather, things but not planning on carbonate story tonight at all, but just been so overwhelmed having seen him collapse there and having thought the worse, like so many of us d
representatives does, which is elect the speaker. that a 64-year-old congressman mike rogers, who will be the republican chairman of the armed services committee, lunging at, and been physically restrain from, republican congressman matt gates, who s voted against kevin mccarthy, denied kevin mccarthy the speakership on the 14th dot. no breathalyzer test was performed, and congressman, rodgers or in any of the other enraged republicans, who made their side of the aisle, and house of representatives yesterday, look like a drunk driving demolition derby. kevin mccarthy, finally called cross the finish line to win the speakers vote on the 15th ballot, only because six members of his party, chose not to vote at all. his winning margin, over the now democratic minority leader hakeem jeffries, was 216 to 212,