arguments said, this is it, we were right for all those decades. but they were incapable of doing it. it s an interesting discussion. good luck with the book. thank you. falling milk prices and how they could predict the state of the economy, coming up. [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter jobs on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can t live under a dome in minnesota, that s why there s guys like me. [ male announcer ] it s a network of possibilities helping you do what you do. even better. [ lopez ] the red white and blue means so much to me.
stores a week every week for three years, actually in the last year, they opened seven stores a week, just in mexico. so their dom innoceninance here extraordinary. and they have this ethical code. and yet we ve lived down here for eight months and it s hard to get business done. we ve been curious how they manage to open five stores a week. so i was both surprised and not surprised. i was surprised because this is so out of character with walmart s normal way of doing business. and yet on some level, it s not surprising because getting things done in this country is actually a challenge. and they were greasing the skids. they were rigging the game, as it turns out. is it fair to say that while writing the book, you had no inclination of anything like this? in fact, just the opposite. most people in the u.s. will tell you that walmart is an absolutely brutal competitor.
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the sound of music was first seen nearly 50 years ago. now these beloved child actors are sharing an inside look at the unforgettable film. this new book the sound of music family scrapbook reveals memories and behind-the-scenes video. i spoke with three of the von trapp children about the items they chose for the book. we just put together whatever it was that we had. our publisher helped select. we found the most meaningful piece of memorabilia to us and the funnest. i ended up contributing some letter that is meant a lot to me, letters i wrote to my dad when i was 5. adorable. ridiculously funny. it means a lot. neither of my parents are here anymore it was sentimental. and just funny. yeah.
5-year-old writing from austria. i wrote about cream-colored purses and do do re mi but wanting to be there, too. what about you, heather? what did you contribute? i was digging through drawers and stuff. i kept a diary the entire time, which was kind of fun and talked about certain things that happened. angela and i had our own little club because we loved the beatles so much. we had a club called hepalang. paul mccartney. i know. we had a book with club rules and secret things that were very personal. how about you, nicholas? i had my 14th birthday in the middle of the shoot. and thank heavens my mother gave me for they 14th birthday a