spotted in santa monica on a date with saturday night live s jason sudakis who just ended a relationship with mad men s january jones. her reps say they re just friends. another bogus rumor. warner brothers and keanu reeves deny a rash of reports both a fourth and fifth matrix film are in the works. festival fallout from sundance. the hollywood reporter says despite starring al pacino, katie holmes, and channing ta m tatum, a screening of the son of no one saw audience members walking out in droves. not a good sign. finally, everybody loves lists. but forbes finally went too far with its top hi-grossing on-screen couples. rupert grin and emma watson, known as ron and herminy from the harry potter movies haven t even kissed yet. but 6.3 billion earned them a technical win over more grown-up pairings like lik and kate winslett in titanic.