claiming credit for the par rid. in fact, the industry analysts argue production increased not because of the president, but in spite of him. on federal land, the area where the president has control, production in the gulf of mexico is down 30%. lease sales in the rocky mountains on federal land are down 70%. mr. obama doesn t deny that his long-term goal is indeed to wean us off oil. we have to make sure that we ve got a set of options that reduce our overall dependence on oil. he argues that it will inoculate the country from the price swings but analysts say it will take decades. for now, producing more oil is the only solution. bret? bret: jim, thank you. also the news conference, president obama said he phoned the georgetown law student called the slut and prostitute by rush limbaugh because he doesn t want people discouraged from speaking out. i thought about my daughters and one thing i want them to do as they get older