even the speaker, it becomes increasingly difficult given the facts in front of me. so i m sensing that you fall in this middle camp. and what i mean by that is what the washington post did when interviewing 45 democrats. they broke it down to their positions on impeachment. there are three categories. first up, the waverers, those torn between house leaders who impose impeachment and their base, which demands it, or perhaps in your case, sir, as you think about the principled aspects of all of this, the skeptics, who fear impeachment will be a political victory for the president and finally, the die hards, who are absolutely determined to impeach this president because they think he s a singular threat to the republic. is this an accurate reflection of your party s stances? i think that s probably true. i was one of the 45 people interviewed by the post. i m definitely in the category of wrestling with this because the mooumer report is anything but what was described in the bar
given the context of all the other things russians were doing to interfere with the election, undermine us, and, of course, my personal experience, their long track record going back to the soviet era of undermining us whenever they can suborning or co co-opting, raised the red flag for us and merited concern. what it reflects airing transparency and play out the investigation. this is something the country badly needs to clear up this cloud that s hanging over us right now. it s true. look, many people say the problem is the cloud. the problem is any of these questions. so let s use this time well to inform the skeptics. the skeptics start with one