anyone to justice? it has been easily for the media, cnn, the london time, to interview him. reporter: military officials say it is one thing for reporters to go to benghazi. quite another for heavily armed u.s. commandos to go into the middle of a militia stronghold and cam you are one of the most wanted suspects. the pentagon. for more on the benghazi attacks including our special investigation, the truth about benghazi documentary, please to go our blog. outfront. our third story, justice for trayvon. more than aier and a half after george zimmerman killed trayvon martin, the sanford police is stirring thing up. zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder. david mattingly is out front with the story. as you remember, he was there every single day.
judge in the system a magistrate this first appearance, which is a very formal thing. want to make sure you ve got the right guy, give him the charges and then off to the races. and make sure he has counsel and satisfied with his counsel. this would have been the moment if he were not satisfied and given what happened in the last 48 hours with his previous lawyers, that was a matter you d want to put on record. or if he didn t have a lawyer, one would be provided for him, a public defender. ron allen and joy-ann reid. ron, the next step is up to the trial judge so this moves on, but we re still expecting that there will be an application for bail for bond, and that that will be proceeding over the next days and weeks. indeed, andrea. one mortem on the records, there s an expectation now that this process has happened, a lot of public records like the initial police report, that the sanford police did, the police department from zimmerman s arrest yesterday, the charging docum
than others in florida, and that is if they seek if he is charge and had if he then seeks to invoke immunity of stand your ground, there is a judicial determination which could shut down the prosecution entirely based on immunity. if a judge were to determine by a preponderance of evidence that george zimmerman could establish his defense of self-defense under the stand-your-ground law. kendall, what kind of information do you believe was before the special prosecutor here? what do you believe that angela corey was looking at? with medical records he know some witnesses were saying they were not spoken to by the sanford police even though they said she had versions of the story as far as what they believe they saw or what they saw and in reality here and when do you believe likely was in front of this woman she was examining? i think her three weeks was probably one of the most exhaustive three weeks investigation in the history of florida.
what she really had to be able to focus on is can she move that george zimmerman s account is a lie? does she have forensic evidence? are there independent witnesses, 911 tapes that will in fact sufficiently contradict george zimmerman so if he is charged and if he takes the stand, which he almost assuredly would have to do in a self-defense case, would she be able to show that whether or not the voice of trayvon martin is forever silenced, youice of george zimm? john, let me bring you in. you took on the oakland police department and won, a lot of the focus rightfully on how the sanford police department handled this. the lead investigator said at the time that manslaughter charges should have been pursued. that was not the case. what happened behind the scenes is part of this unfolding story and nonetheless you have this special prosecutor stepping in and going against the seven and a half hour investigation from sanford police at the time of this shooting.
that said that trayvon was witnessed on top of george zimmerman punching him and beating his head into the cement. are the media inflaming the situation? a miami harrold reporter on the pressures of covering the story. all at once i started getting emails from all these people telling me that i was a racist, that i was a sobero path, that i should kill myself. day yeah view. current t fires keith olbermann for missing work, and he suggests owner al gore is unethical, and his replacement? eliot spitzer. plus what speemp did you listen to? just right here. stop lying. would you guys quit distorting what i m saying? rick santorum curses out a new york times reporter. what did jeb zellany do to deserve this? i m hourt kurtz, and this is reliable sources. reporters dug up new information this week in the killing of trayvon martin. renee of the orlando sentinel obtained the controversial account of what george zimmerman told police in florida that he had been acco