heads understand that they re basically acquiescing and literally giving up any chance to win a presidential cycle again. in florida, we have seen that happen. marco rubio is out front. he took heat from the extreme elements of the tea party. he backed down. he is kind of awol on the issue. i think that in florida, that they are our growing trend. they are changing demographic, changing from a red state to a purple and may be in the future a blue. they re out of bounds with young people. there s just absolutely no question about it. this take in from the poor, suppressing the vote, going to voting rights, the war on women, florida, i don t think, looks very good for the republicans at all. scott is trying to put lipstick on that pig. he can t do it. verge, ruth and mitch caesar, great to have you on the ed show. thank you so much. up next on the prep pretenders. better at checking out figures than facts.