guy obviously feels the embrace and the love of god but he s also aware there are all these television cameras. he s very aware of the power of these gestures. he knows he s teaching when he does this and he s touching people s hearts. pope francis wants a church that harkens back to his jesuit roots, one that cares for those most in need. in his mission statement pope francis said i prefer a church with is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. there s a steely core there, there s a determination, there s a focus in him which really is quite astonishing. i keep saying to people he s not a loveable teddy bear, he s a tough guy with a vision. and once he decided what god s
joseph ratsinger. but why in she knows him well enough that he baptised both of her kid. i will respond to something that he said to a little girl when she asked did you want to be pope? he said you have to be crazy, you have to be totally crazy to want to be a pope. perhaps cardinal bergoglio didn t want the pomp or didn t feel ready for the papacy. perhaps he simply felt his place was here, leading priests in the work that mattered most to him, ministering to those in need. he wanted his priests to be in the hospitals, in the old people s homes, in the shantytow shantytowns, in places of suffering. like this, one of the worst slums in buenos aires. in 2009 he sent father carara to
church of his neighborhood and he felt the need to go to this church. more than just a need. in a radio interview in 2012, then cardinal bergoglio expressed wonder at the force that drew him inside. [ speaking foreign language ] translator: and he never went to the picnic. he never declared his love to that girl. that day he declared his love to god. his parents expected him to become a doctor. but young bergoglio saw another path to healing, one he confided to his friend, arthur crespo. translator: he said, i m going to tell you something that i haven t told anyone else.
[ speaking foreign language ] [ cheers and applause ] the new pope, the poor one, he embraced the cheers but also the challenge. he would now have to do in the vatican what he did so well in argentina, as a leader but also as a reformer. he is not afraid of breaking the traditions of the vatican. he is not afraid to explore new ways. the first pope ever to take the name francis then became the first to live in the vatican city guest house rather than the apostolic palace. he explained in an interview i chose to live in santa marta in room 201 because when i took possession of the papal apartment, inside myself i distinctly heard a no.
friends with pope francis since they met in school 65 years ago. translator: we were good friends. and the truth was that he was one of the students that stood out most in class. very smart but not arrogant. he was very willing to share and to help. translator: one of his characteristics of his entire life was humility. of course bergoglio s humility did not rule out occasional mischief. translator: we had in the first, second and third year a span, teacher who we admired very much. you loved the one teacher but he left? reporter: but he retired and they named in his place a teacher who was very rigid. so rigid that the two wrote a note on the blackboard demanding the return of their former professor. translator: and when the new