principles of prosecution. thank you very much. pull the mic a little closer. is that better? thank you. mr. shab it i start by asking that an op-ed that appeared in last week s wall street journal by the author of the patriot act, mr. sensenbrenner entitled the patriot act wasn t meant to target parents. most of us had other jobs before we got here to congress. for example, i practiced law for quite a few years. i was a county commissioner, a member of cincinnati city council and before that i was a school teacher in cincinnati in the inner city. all the students in the school were african-american and i taught the seventh and eighth grade. it was my experience that the
aggression occurring it s pta to the patriot act. the use of weapon onization on a federal level of an act in stated after wartime to go against parents who are vestpugh in their childrens education this. is stranger than fiction. kennedy made an awesome point. we were
saying we continue to urge congress to make this a federal crime. what would that change for you in terms of that left of boom that you talk about? so that s where it gets complicated because this debate runs smack into the first amendment and the protections we enjoy there and the fourth amendment that protects us from illegal searches and seizures, meaning there has to be probable cause for the government to be able to do that search. after 9/11 the patriot act handled that. we were talking about section 802. there s a provision in there for domestic terrorism, but because these are americans and they re not having conversations online ostensibly with people from foreign countries, we re a little more limited. should that be changed? absolutely. but people are going to be concerned would this be a reflexive move just like they look at the patriot act as being too overbearing ten years after 9/11, twenty years after. i always appreciate seeing you, my friend. kate, back to you.
and l.a. pd commissioner. and when you were in l.a., it was the days after 9/11 when this issue of freedom of speech versus national security was in sharp relief, as illustrated by the patriot act. it does seem with politically motivated hate-motivated crimes and what we should be calling domestic terrorism at this point, that conversation is going to come into plan. this guy put something on 8chan that seemed to imply an attack. how do you navigate that world? americans really enjoy their constitutionally protected privacy but the social media and the digital world are becoming the place in which these ideas are communicated. one of the unanticipated consequences of the internet was that it was going to connect us all. the idea of the billions of people in the world were going to be connected.