large businesses and health care providers. south carolina governor henry mcmaster said he d fight biden and democrats to, quote, to the gates of hell. greg abbott of texas issued in a counterexecutive order in which he ironically says he s protecting texans quote, this is not ironic, right to choose whether they get the vaccine. over in alabama, kay ivey publicly called biden s measures outrageous and overreaching. but that s ironic considering alabama in particular is in the top ten for both covid cases and covid deaths per 100,000 people in the u.s. those statistics make sense given that only about 47% of alabamians 12 years and older are fully vaccinated among sadly the lowest numbers in the country. however, my next guest is trying to change all of that. she s the subject of a documentary from the new yorker called the panola project that chronicles her mission to get her small community in alabama
if you ever consider running for mayor? no. i had to ask. thank you so much. i don t think so. thank you, dorothy oliver, for being so loving to your community and showing us by example. you are a subject of the new yorker documentary, the panola project. you can catch more there. thank you. there s another crisis building across america that is about to collide with the covid crisis in a major way. more than 11 million americans report they are currently behind on rent. while 3.5 million people who depend on rent say they are very likely to face eviction because of the pandemic, according to the latest census bureau statistics. on august 26th, the u.s. national moratorium on evictions ended following a 6-3 vote by the supreme court leaving many without a lifeline as covid