they re equals. yeah, absolutely. yeah, they re equals and in a way they ve kind of switched gender stereotypes because the character i play, mulder, is the intuitive one. large intestine. and scully is the rationalist, the doctor. lot of folks who enjoyed the x-files who otherwise didn t watch tv might have been drawn to the show by its, for lack of a better way to put it, its stick it to the man ethos. it said, don t trust the government, don t trust big business, don t trust anybody but yourself and your friends and family, i guess. it s a message that s somewhat dark and cynical but was kind of a breath of fresh air in the early 90s. the 90s was a time of conspiracies and the internet was starting to spread beyond just like hardcore computer users so you could have message boards and usenet newsgroups and everybody wanted to talk about the black oil and the bees and mulder s sister and what the cigarette smoking man was up to. and i would go to
things that s happening with the simpsons is a distrust of anyone who tells us that we should trust them and doesn t earn that trust. oh, and, i ll take that statue of justice, too. sold! and when they make fun of how fox works. you are watching fox! we are watching fox! they re telling you, don t trust us, either. eat my shorts. alright, i ll eat eat your shorts?! the simpsons is like shakespeare in the sense that we quote the simpsons all the time, very often without even knowing it. excellent. i wish i could create something that culturally indelible. it s unlike anything else tv s ever wrought. twin peaks showed up out of nowhere at the beginning of the decade and the pilot episode of that was one of the strangest and most exciting things i ve ever seen. diane, i m at the twin peaks county morgue with the body of the victim, what s her name? laura palmer.
life, except rather than just feeling like hell, it actually was hell. her high school was literally built on top of hell. and so all of these creatures would come up that she would have to fight. three in one night. and it was a brilliant metaphor for adolescence and all the demons that you have to slay. you know, buffy was a teenager, and she was still finding out who she was. one of the storylines that was very popular and much talked about was where she has sex with her boyfriend for the first time and then, in sort of the world of buffy, he becomes literally evil. angel, there must be some part of you inside that still remembers who you are. dream on, schoolgirl. in order to save the world, literally, she knows that she has to send him to hell.
i could not have done this without you. okay more clothes in the dryer? oh. i was dropping my daughter off for sunday school at our temple. and literally, my rabbi stopped me and said, what s gonna happen with ross and rachel? you look really pretty tonight. oh, thanks. the one with the prom video is one of my favorites. you guys, we don t have to watch this. no, come on. where s chip? why isn t he here yet? he ll be here, okay? take a chill pill. this seemed like a really surprising way to get rachel to know how ross feels. i can t go to my own prom without a date. take her. you can wear my tux. dad, she won t want to go with me. she s learning something new and he thinks, oh, god, please don t let her see this. please don t let her see this. rachel, ready or not, here
him to not like destroy this guy right now. and finally, he gets the confession, he gets a signed statement, he walks out of the room, he goes to another interrogation room, and he breaks the door in two with his fists. and i m choking up talking about it right now, because, like, that s how great a moment of tv that it is. 20 years from now, the best tv dramas, what will they look like? i don t know. i don t know whether will they be bolder than what we see today? oh, assuredly. assuredly they will be. the 90s gave us several shows that didn t really explode in the ratings, but were very influential to other people making television. homicide is one of them. shell me with questions all night, i m living in a danger zone. homicide: life on the street was really innovative in terms of its style. it used music in ways that advanced the narrative and it also used feature film directors