side wakehawks are packed, he n more. and as promised, this is sendingd hawks are packed, he ns more. and as promised, this is sendi hawks are packed, he needs more. and as promised, this is sendihawks are packed, he needs more. and as promised, this is sendiawks are packed, he needs more. and as promised, this is sending this to you, roses are selling for 500 s 500. and so tyear it was 2600ed this year. but listen to what we heard. there will always be a supply breakdown. there is rob problems with t weather and heavy rain and that imt pictures the fly. reporter: and so we show you inside.
four decades has met. the idea of setting up a trust to hold his operating businesses adds nothing to the equation. this is not a blind trust, it s not even close. i think politico called this a half blind trust but it s not even halfway blind. the only thing it has in common with a blind trust is the labe trust. his sons are still running the business and, of course, he knows what he ns. his own attorney said today he can t unknow that he owns trump tower, the same is true of his other holdings. the idea of limiting direct communication about the business is holy inadequate. that s not how a blind trust works. there s not supposed to be any information at all, in developing the current plan, the president-elect didn t have the benefit of oge s guidance so, to be clear, oge s primary recommendation is that he divest his conflicting assets. nothing short of divestiture will resolve these conflicts. appreciate that divestiture can be costly but the president-elect would not be alone in m
media. al jazeera, for instance, is not in tripoli and, therefore, what it was reporting from there was based on people calling in and uncorroborated facts. when i landed in tripoli i expected a much, much worse, much more violent, much more sort of fluid situation than i found. we were in irrocked by the ns that lara logan was assaulted. you ve covered my warriors and protests around the world. do you feel more vulnerable as a female journalist? no. i think it s appalling what happened to lara. i m looking to hear about all the facts when she s ready to talk about it. i do think, however, that one of the unfortunate backlashes has been the media rushing to say we journalists who are women shouldn t be taking those kind of risks. i stand here to say i reject that. we ve been doing this kind of