he wanted there to be violence. donald trump wants 2024 to be a violent year. but even scarier than that, ayman, look, i say all the time, my former party is radicalized. and what i mean by that is republican voters are increasingly indifferent towards were actually supportive of political violence to get their way. this is absolutely scary for america, and america needs to wake up to it right now. so is this, molly, the new normal? as i mentioned, the judge and grand incident, the swatting incident, is the third one. jack smith has had, it kenya chutkan has experienced it. he s now the third person. is it just gonna keep getting worse and worse? i mean, look. none of us want violence. we all want this to stop. except donald trump, who has the supporters. i mean, remember, they asked
The House GOP launched an impeachment inquiry into Biden, setting the stage for what could be the third attempt to oust a president in just four years.