watching the bundy incident unfold, i couldn t help think about this, in 1985 a group called move had bunkered themselves in a row house, police didn t back off, eventually a bomb was dropped on the house which included 11 people, including five children. needless to say, the right wing media was not exactly rushing to defense. imagine if the new black panthers, the tiny group, imagine if they decided to greet law enforcement with long guns. or here is a thought experiment for those who are agast about the actions. if the people of occupy wall street were holding rifles and sniper scopes instead of drums and hand made signs, do you think fox news would have called them anything but resisting tyranny?
watching the bundy incident unfold, i couldn t help think about this, in 1985 a group called move had bunkered themselves in a row house, police didn t back off, eventually a bomb was dropped on the house which included 11 people, including five children. needless to say, the right wing media was not exactly rushing to defense. imagine if the new black panthers, the tiny group, imagine if they decided to greet law enforcement with long guns. or here is a thought experiment for those who are agast about the actions. if the people of occupy wall street were holding rifles and sniper scopes instead of drums and hand made signs, do you think fox news would have called them anything but resisting
watching the bundy situation unfold, i couldn t help but think back to this scene from the documentary let the fire burn. in 1985 an armed group in philadelphia had bunkered themselves inside a row house. police didn t back down. there was a standoff, firefight, and eventually a bomb was dropped on the house which killed 11 people, including five children. needless to say the right wing media of the time weren t rushing to their defense. today, imagine how they react to, say, the new black panthers, tiny group the network gave every time to imagine if they decided to greet law enforcement with long guns, orthos who are aghast at the blm s actions and ecstatic a crud bearing guns were able to ward them off. if the people of occupy occupy wall street were holding sniper guns, would fox news call them patriots for resisting tyranny? do you think one second the state would have let them hang
dukakis. we have on our website an 11 page document that shows fox news, its long history of race-baiting which included attacks on civil rights activist shirley sherrod, making up scandal about the new black panthers and purchasing a birtherism. they don t know, i guess, that this isn t 1968 or 1988 anymore. and as much as we re outraged by this, i think the people who should be outrage ready republicans who have to run for office and the folks over at the republican national committee who are trying to rebrand, to rebuild their relationships. or at least they re saying that. they re saying that. let me ask this point, david. sure. to joy, because i want you to weigh in on this as well. they ve also now discovered black on black crime. all of the sudden, they are now talking about violence in chicago. this has been going on a long time. it s been covered on the show. hadiya pendleton, the
this is a fox news alert, we are in sanford, florida, in this community that was racked by passion, by division, since this incident happened 16 months ago. and this young man was snuffed out before his life was able to begin, who was shot by the neighborhood watch captain, who thought he was doing what was best for his community. there has been dramatically different reactions to the verdict in the case. craig is with some of the people now and this is an illustration of how different the response is. go ahead, craig, who are you with? this is james mohamed ed a, is with the new black panthers.