teacher observed him researching ammunition in class. jennifer crumbly was contacted via voice mail by school personnel regarding the son s inappropriate internet search. school personnel indicate they followed that voice mail up with an email, but received no response from either parent. therefore, jennifer crumbly exchanged text messages about the incident with her son on that day, stating, quote, lol, i m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught, unquote. on november 30th, 21, the morning of the shooting, the next day, ethan crumbly s teacher came upon a note on ethan s desk, which alarmed her, to the point that she took a picture of it on her cell phone. the note contained the following. a drawing of a semiautomatic handgun pointing at the words, quote, the thoughts won t stop, help me, end quote. in another section of the note was a drawing of a bullet with
his alarming behavior at school. they also said that the day before the shooting a teacher spotting the suspect searching for ammunition on his cell phone. the school left his parents a voice mail but the call was not returned and later of the prosecutor said that jennifer crumbly sent a text to her son about the incident and wrote this, lol, i m not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. the prosecutor said there were more warning signs, the morning of that shooting. on november 30th, 21, the morning of the shooting, the next day, ethan crumbly s teacher came upon a note on his desk when alarmed her to point that she took a picture of it on her cell phone. the note contained the following. a drawing a semi automatic gun and said the thoughts won t stop me and a drawing of a bullet with the words above the bullet, quote, blood everywhere, end quote. between the drawing of the gun and the bullet is a drawing of a
that day, stating quote, lol, i m not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. reporter: then, the morning of the shooting, prosecutors say a teacher was alarmed by a picture drawn by the teen that included a gun, a bullet, a person appearing shot and the words the thoughts won t stop, help me. a bullet with the words blood everywhere. a laughing emoji and the words, my life is useless, and the world is dead. james and jennifer crumbley were then called to the school, told they were required to get their son counselling within 48 hours and the parents resisted taking him home. he was returned back to class with his backpack, where we have reason to believe gun the gun was stored in the backpack. reporter: later that day as the shooting unfolded and word spread, jennifer crumbley texted her son ethan, don t do it. some 15 minutes later, jason crumbley called 911 saying the gun was missing. he stored it unlocked in his bedroom drawer and he thought his son may b
email but received no response from either parent. jennifer crumbley exchanged text messages about the incident with her son on that day, stating, quote, lol, i m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught, end quote. then on the morning of the shooting, a teacher discovered a note with drawings of the alleged shooter s desk, a gun, a bullet, and a bloody figure with gunshot wounds, with the thoughts won t stop, help me, and blood everywhere. the alleged shooter s parents had a meeting at the school but resisted taking him home. instead he went back to class. hours later, officials say he murdered four of his classmates. on november 30, 21, the morning of the shooting, the next day, ethan crumbley s teacher came upon a note on ethan s desk which alarmed her to the point that she took a picture of it on her cellphone.
determined that he could go back into class. he was let back into class. investigators have also discovered videos that crumbley recorded the very night before. and in those videos he discusses killing students. horrendously disturbing. obviously talks about what excuse me he intends to do and the kinds of things he s thinking about. it is just chilling. cnn s shimon prokupecz is live from oxford, michigan. this is shocking, shimon. it seems there were quite explicit warning signs, more than one, prior to the shooting. and yet the student was allowed back into school and somehow managed to get a weapon from his father. how did this happen? reporter: and this new information, jim, is hugely significant, certainly for investigators. the fact that there were meetings, the morning of, the parents were here, we re told