[ inaudible question by the media ] as i believe everyone who stepped up here said earlier we do not believe that he is, this was targeting any particular person or group we just right now are labelling it as a sort of conspiracy theorist and going from there but the investigation will continue, thank you everyone. thank you for your time and attention, thank you. martha: hearing therefrom deputy commissioner sheppard as they talk about their response to this very tragic and terrible situation that unfolded in a park right across from the courthouse where the trump trial he s underway, as you just heard from police at this point they don t have any reason to think that there was a connection between what is going on inside the courthouse and what was going on inside this person s mind we know he s name is
after every incident we have an after action and we will talk about that but we have a lot of officers in the area is still open to the public you can walk through the park and there was no security breach here at all. [ inaudible question by the media ] the propaganda pamphlet seem to be propaganda based like a conspiracy theory, they seem to be connected to ponzi schemes and educational institutions being fronts for the mobs, so some conspiracy theory things going on here we will go through video but so far what we have seen today it appears he walked from leonard street entered the park and walked into the middle of the park and committed the act. [ inaudible question by the
two minutes is a pretty quick response time to be able to get to a vehicle get a fire getting richer run around and get into the park and start trying to excuse the fire all right? but as far as the fire department resources i will let commissioner cavanaugh talk to you. as they mentioned we will obvious he work with nypd to review what happened and if additional resources are in necessary we will place in here but typically for any type of major security event, which this is, we have additional ems resources on scene, fire only sometimes there s usually not a reason for that as you typically would not have an extra public park but we will work with nypd to review that, i would have to rip confirm what time they responded but typically in any high security event we have more ems resources on scene because there could be patients for any reason. [ inaudible question by the media ]
he said that mara lago he said his narrative but what s happening in the city and all over the country was happening in particular in the city sum are very good by the way sum very fair it s really the cities that are thriving but what is happening here with the judicial system is all over the world there watching it and they re saying this is a giant witchhunt they re trying to hurt the campaign biden is the worst president in history of our country i m beating him buy a lot and this is the only way they can win but it won t work. [ inaudible question by the media ] do you support speaker
Former President Donald Trump appeared onstage at a Mar-a-Lago event with filmmaker and QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Mike Smith and former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The film screened at the event, which was hosted by Flynn’s America’s Future, was the sequel to Smith’s film .