Taxi violence is again rearing its ugly head in the Eastern Cape with at least three taxi bosses and drivers killed and one hospitalised in a critical condition on Wednesday on the R61 near Port St Johns.The year 2023 was one of the bloodiest, with more than 20 taxi bosses killed in a few months in Ngqamakhwe, Butterworth, Centane, Willowvale, Dutywa, Elliotdale, and Mthatha since July 18.
Buffalo City Metro infrastructure director Nceba Ncunyana was shot dead in a suspected hit on the N2 near Ntabozuko (formerly Berlin) on Wednesday afternoon. Ncunyana, who was previously shot and wounded but survived the assassination attempt while acting city manager in August 2022, died in a hail of bullets from attackers using high-calibre firearms.
Abject poverty and a sickly mother and toddler in need of care have left three young children with no choice but to put their schooling on hold.The Qalashe siblings aged 13, 11 and nine have been attending school intermittently to look after their three-year-old brother and 29-year-old widowed mother, Nofika, who has been bedridden since 2021.