sometimes. i wonder if she doesn t come back here to manderly. and watch you and mr. du winter together. hitchcock was brilliant aputting the audience in the place of the character through the subjective use of the camera, what he used to call pure cinema. the assembly of pieces of film to create fright is the essential part of my job. i believe in putting the horror in the mind of the audience and not necessarily on the screen. his films took a genre and essentially made the genre the director s own. hitchcock really was the master of suspense. and he deserves that title. incredible as it may seem, those strange beings who landed in the jersey farmlands tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from the planet mars. orson welles came into the film business having been a tremendous success in radio. scared half the country with war of the worlds in 38.
f.w.murnau. his first major film, the lodger looks like german expressionism in a lot of ways. they he went on to make these great british thrillers for which he became famous. best among all of them the 39 steps. by the end of the 30s, he s the leading artist of the british cinema, but he understands that he s working in a very financially limited system. he also sees the war coming, and he s very happy to come to america and work for selznick under the six-film contract starting with rebecca. that s it. that s mandalay. rebecca was based on a novel by daphne duh maurer about a young innocent woman who moves into this old gothic house. this is mrs. danville. and her life becomes entangled in mystery. how do you do? she feels like she can t possibly compete with rebecca. her husband max s dead wife. do you think the dead come back and watch the living? i don t believe it.